Remote Therapy during COVID-19

As we all are aware, Indiana has enacted a stay-at-home order that has been in effect for the last few weeks and is continuing until at least May 1st. This initially presented some unique challenges for our office, but nothing we couldn’t overcome!

Dr. Myers and his team worked diligently to develop a plan to allow our patients to continue with their vision therapy remotely to avoid as much interruption in treatment as possible. We all learned new technology, practiced demonstrating therapy techniques on our tablets, and spent hours collaborating on ideas and honing this new remote system.

We have been pleasantly surprised at the amount of information and activities we can accomplish through video conferencing. We are so excited to see everyone back in the office again soon, but in the meantime we are ecstatic that we still get to see the smiling faces of our patients every week. 

Click here to see our latest response to COVID-19.

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